Image result for mavencircle 30 day affirmation


                 This right here has been my favorite affirmation yet. We live in a society where we tend to mold ourselves into what we think society wants, and i hate it. I am me and you are you. Quit trying to change that. Recently I had someone tell me " I wish you were like this." I had a simple response. I'm not so get over it. I truly don't care what others think about me because i am happy and I am not going to let someone dictate what I am or who i want to be. I do things for me and I like who I am as a person. I just have what I call a "bullshit shell." If you want to take the time to get to know me then you will see the real me. but i don't just let that come out. I guess it is just a defense against being used/hurt. The real ones stick around. The fake ones don't. People need to quit trying to be like someone else and focus on who they are as a person.

