This affirmation really spoke out to me because lately I have been worried about things that i have no control over and haven't really known what to do. Then i saw this, took a deep breath and listened to my mind and not my heart. I came to the conclusion that i need to let this toxic thing go... its terribly hard when something makes you happy when they try, but you find them never trying anymore. To me it wasn't worth the battle of trying to build someone up, when all they want to do is play games and tear you down. And Sometimes letting go and following your intuition is one of the hardest things to do because your mind and heart are telling you opposite things. Its sad to say but I gave up. But now I understand that it is what is best for me. All my life I've cared so much what others think and how they feel but now it is time for me to focus on me and not give a shit what others think if they are just going to play games. I don't have time for that shit. I'm trying to grow and build an empire. and I'm not about to let someone come in and mess that up.
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