Today's affirmation was about nervousness . I sent in my application for EMT school and was terribly nervous and stressed out for a few days. Then i got an email from the Denver Health ER. which read. Dear Tyler, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into our EMT program..... Blah Blah Blah.. I was honestly so stressed out about this and it sucked. Everyday for the past four days i would wake up and check my email. with no response I started to get this feeling in my stomach that I was going to throw up. Then i thought about my previous affirmations about stress and nervousness. Take control of the things you can control and when it comes to the things you cant control, you are along for the ride. I was so scared of not getting into the program it took control of my thoughts. i was stressing over something i had no control over. In that same email i was told I am a great candidate for the program, which made me feel great. These affirmations are really starting to make an impact on my everyday life and its wonderful.
This TED talk, talks about how to stay calm when you know you are going to be stressed. and it was actually really eye opening. Hope you guys give it a look!!
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