Artist Statement

Artist Statement

                For my digital story, I chose to talk about the reason why I chose my 30-day challenge. And for my 30 day challenge I wanted to remind myself of what I am worth, and I had a feeling the 30-day affirmation challenge would do that. Now, I will be the first to admit that I didn’t read the affirmations every day, but I tried and that’s what matters to me. I found that the digital story was fun because I enjoyed the challenge. I felt like that made it easier to make my digital story.

The recording process was the easiest part of the digital story. I practiced a few times, watching my pace. Once I felt confident I hit the record button. After that was done, I made sure it sounded right. Next, I had to find pictures that matched what I was talking about. I found this to be the most difficult part of the project. The pictures I used, were difficult to choose because I went through this phase where I didn’t want to be in any pictures. I found that due to a lack of pictures, I had to play with the timing of each individual picture to make sure I had a photo for almost all my video. The only part of my video that I don’t have a picture, is when I used the black screen. I chose to use the black screen to let the viewer feel that this was a low point in my life. After the black screen I put a picture from rehab and after that I chose to use a bunch of happy pictures. This project was pretty cool as well as eye opening. I had a great time with it, and I hope others get something out of it like I did.
