10/30 This right here has been my favorite affirmation yet. We live in a society where we tend to mold ourselves into what we think society wants, and i hate it. I am me and you are you. Quit trying to change that. Recently I had someone tell me " I wish you were like this." I had a simple response. I'm not so get over it. I truly don't care what others think about me because i am happy and I am not going to let someone dictate what I am or who i want to be. I do things for me and I like who I am as a person. I just have what I call a "bullshit shell." If you want to take the time to get to know me then you will see the real me. but i don't just let that come out. I guess it is just a defense against being used/hurt. The real ones stick around. The fake ones don't. People need to quit trying to be like someone else and focus on who they are as a person. TedTalk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veEQQ-N9xWU
Showing posts from October, 2017
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10/29 This affirmation really spoke out to me because lately I have been worried about things that i have no control over and haven't really known what to do. Then i saw this, took a deep breath and listened to my mind and not my heart. I came to the conclusion that i need to let this toxic thing go... its terribly hard when something makes you happy when they try, but you find them never trying anymore. To me it wasn't worth the battle of trying to build someone up, when all they want to do is play games and tear you down. And Sometimes letting go and following your intuition is one of the hardest things to do because your mind and heart are telling you opposite things. Its sad to say but I gave up. But now I understand that it is what is best for me. All my life I've cared so much what others think and how they feel but now it is time for me to focus on me and not give a shit what others think if they are just going to p...
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10/25 Lately I have been noticing my mood change after i read my affirmation for the day. I honestly feel like everyone should try this challenge, due to the fact that it helps set the mood for the day. While some affirmations encourage you to look at things from a different angle, others encourage you to let things go that are bothering you. Sometimes we get all wrapped up in things we don't really have control over, which can be very toxic for the mind. What you have to understand is that we don't have control over those things, and we need to focus on the things that we do have control over. After I started to do this I noticed that i became a lot happier, and things don't bother me as much. Ted Talks Joy https://www.ted.com/talks/gavin_pretor_pinney_cloudy_with_a_chance_of_joy/up-next What is joy? https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+joy&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS721US721&oq=definition+of+joy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.63...
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10/20 Today's affirmation was about nervousness . I sent in my application for EMT school and was terribly nervous and stressed out for a few days. Then i got an email from the Denver Health ER. which read. Dear Tyler, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into our EMT program..... Blah Blah Blah.. I was honestly so stressed out about this and it sucked. Everyday for the past four days i would wake up and check my email. with no response I started to get this feeling in my stomach that I was going to throw up. Then i thought about my previous affirmations about stress and nervousness. Take control of the things you can control and when it comes to the things you cant control, you are along for the ride. I was so scared of not getting into the program it took control of my thoughts. i was stressing over something i had no control over. In that same email i was told I am a great candidate for the program, which mad...
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This one is really hard for me. Well, the first part is. Pretty much since i can remember i have battled with anxiety. So being willing to let all of those thoughts go is an incredibly difficult task for me. I already approach each day with a pretty laid-back attitude, but i could use some work with not letting the little shit get to me. Back to the anxiety. Telling myself to let go of those thoughts sounds nice, and i know it is going to be very hard. But its worth a shot. Attached below is the link to 16 simple ways to relieve stress and anxiety. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/16-ways-relieve-stress-anxiety
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This affirmation speaks a lot to me. I tend to let myself get all wrapped up in things that stress me out. And usually those things are things that I shouldn't be stressing about anyways. To me this is saying, it may happen but it wont get to me. And what ever happens happens. And I am at peace with it. I refuse to let stress come in and ruin my head, due to the fact that it has done so for years now. I am finally at a point in my life where I feel in control of whats going on. It feels wonderful.